9 March, 2021

The Region of Murcia leads the annual growth of Spanish GDP since 1975

According to a study carried out by the General Council of Economists and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, the Region has had an annual GDP increase of 2.39%

The Region of Murcia has been the autonomous community where the GDP has increased the most since 1975, 2.39% per year, although it is the ninth in terms of increase in GDP per inhabitant, with 1.72% each year.

In the Murcian community, the GDP has gone from 8,779.7 million euros in 1975 to 31,291.9 in 2019, while that amount, if divided by the inhabitants, has increased in the Region of Murcia from 9,875.7 to 20,929.87 euros in 2019, while the average in Spain is 24,808.22 euros.

As for the Spanish population, it has increased by 32.4% in the last 45 years, with the Balearic Islands (107.28%), the Canary Islands (82%) and the Region of Murcia (70.25%) leading the way, as is the case with the economically active population, in which the greatest increases have also occurred in these three autonomies, which in the case of the Murcian community has doubled (105.28%).

By sectors, agriculture has more percentage weight in the Region of Murcia, being this community, together with Andalusia and Extremadura the only ones in which it continues to have a certain significant weight.

Regarding the tax burden (tax collection as a percentage of GDP), the Murcian community has gone from 7.9 percent in 2008 to 9.83 percent in 2018, being the ninth autonomy with a higher percentage.

By type of tax, the Region of Murcia has gone from collecting 2,459.1 million euros in 2007 (661 million in direct taxes, 1,686.7 million in indirect and 111.4 million in fees and other income) to 2,952.2 million euros in 2017 (1,047.7 million in direct taxes, 1,805.4 in indirect and 99.1 in fees and other income).

Finally, the Region of Murcia leads the growth of investment, with an accumulated average annual rate of nominal gross investment of 8.69 percent.