10 June, 2024

Regional Government Boosts Commercial Ties with U.S. to Attract Investments

The regional government from the Region of Murcia continues its efforts to attract investments to the Region of Murcia through various commercial, economic, and institutional actors. This week, the Minister of Economy, Finance, and Business, Luis Alberto Marín, held a working meeting in Madrid with Nazanin Berarpour, Deputy Counselor for Economic Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Spain, with the aim of strengthening the Region’s commercial relations with the United States.

Marín emphasized that “one of the primary objectives of the regional government is to deploy a strategy to leverage our undeniable attractiveness to foreign investors, as we are an economically free space at the forefront of reducing bureaucracy and maintaining fiscal moderation.”

This meeting follows the work initiated less than a month ago by the President of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, who met with the U.S. Ambassador to Spain, Julissa Reynoso.

The regional minister highlighted “the smooth commercial relationship” between the Region of Murcia and the United States. He noted that the Region is among the top regions receiving foreign direct investment from the United States, with a figure exceeding 354 million euros last year, an increase of more than 27 percent compared to 2022. The Region of Murcia ranks fourth in U.S. investment, behind Madrid, the Valencian Community, and Catalonia.

For the regional minister, these figures “reflect the interest that the Region generates, both for the quality of the technological solutions developed by our companies and for the economically free space promoted by the regional government.”

The regional Ministry of Business, Economy, and Finance, through the Institute of Development (Info), has an Investment Attraction Plan 2023-2024, endowed with more than 2M €, which develops actions and initiatives to attract foreign investors to establish and develop their business projects in the Region.

A Recognized and Award-Winning Strategy

The regional government’s investment attraction plan has already garnered recognition both in Spain and abroad. Specifically, the “Invest in Murcia” brand, launched and managed by the Ministry of Business through the regional development agency (Info), received a “Go Global Award” in the United States at the end of last year. This award acknowledges contributions to the global economy through strategy, innovation, and technology.

The event, organized by the International Trade Council (ITC), brought together 300 business leaders and 35 local development agencies from around the world. “We seize every opportunity to showcase the benefits of investing in the Region,” stated Marín, highlighting that at this event held last year, “we established relationships with two American companies that are considering our Region for future investments and business projects.”