1 August, 2024

Murcia Film Studios revealed their plans today

An international team has been assembled to design and develop a state-of-the-art film and television studio in Murcia. The project includes the construction of six new sound stages and comprehensive support facilities, including an on-site hotel to accommodate crew members working on the lot.

This development is poised to not only attract international and Hollywood productions and high-end television projects to the region but also to stimulate economic growth and development. The long-term vision will position Murcia as a premier destination for top industry talent.

Murcia Film Studios aims to collaborate with international productions to offer practical training programs for the abundant local talent in Murcia and surrounding areas, fostering a sustainable local crew base.

The studio’s chosen location is Las Torres de Cotillas, an area well-connected by transport links and conveniently close to Juan de la Cierva International Airport.

The Region of Murcia offers outstanding incentives and grant funding opportunities. During a recent meeting in London, the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, and the project’s promoters agreed to establish a multidisciplinary team. This team, supported by the regional government, will facilitate the project’s implementation and expedite its integration into the Investment Acceleration Unit’s (UNAI) portfolio, significantly reducing start-up times. The regional government will also contribute to defining the required professional profiles, leveraging the expertise of the Employment and Training Service (SEF). Additionally, both parties have committed to weekly progress meetings and have designated the promoter team to handle all future project communications.

The studio’s master plan blueprint, crafted by a renowned international architectural firm, outlines the development of a 100,000-square-meter complex. This complex includes the new sound stages that will conform to North American production standards and embody the pinnacle of eco-efficiency and environmental respect. Murcia Film Studios is poised to generate 750 direct jobs across various sectors, including digital production, film production, and the gaming industry, boosting the local economy.

The Murcia Region Government has confirmed its full support for the project, and an official launch is set to be announced later this year.