Would you like to know how many young people are looking for work within a 10-Km radius around your company? And what they have studied and where?
If your clientele is households of two individuals, could you identify the best neighborhood in which to set up your business?
If you have just invested in the Region and you move here with your family, where could you find the school of your choice?
You have already found your preferred industrial warehouse from more than 1,000 options. What other companies are there in the same street and what is their line of business?
As a company, real estate consultant or developer considering to locate or relocate, having access to quality information during the decision-making process is paramount.
Find Your Site is a smart business location tool combining five geolocated databases to help you find the best location for your company or business
Over 1,000 references including lots, warehouses, commercial premises, office space, coworking areas and business nurseries.
Compare key data between municipalities or locations to determine the most competitive option for your company.
Find out what our team of professionals can do for your business, accessing detailed, interactive information.
Explore industrial clusters, find the companies that generate more jobs, or learn who are the competitors, clients or collaborators of your investment project.
Demographic variables and geolocated data relating to the implementation, consolidation and expansion of your company in the Region.
Research, analyze and map out data relating to Universities, Vocational Training Centers and educational standards with the aim to select the best workforce for your company.
Include it on the platform or call us; Esther Jiménez +34 968 365 422 or Toñi Quesada +34 968 375 426 We’ll help you do it!
In this video we explain the steps to be followed in order to include your industrial property or business onto our database, making it visible to anyone who wants to rent or buy.